The Fat

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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Can ya’ll congratulate me on making orange belt today? My sensei said that almost nobody gets it and that I only had to come to class once every other week!  
8/25/2021 11:49:14 PM
Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Hey ya’ll. So can someone please explain to me why this only goes up to A6??? When the item popped up after i refreshed 27 times, my eyes popped pit of my head like a cartoon character and I immediately went to purchase it. Right before I hit the order button i noticed that they didnt have my size. This is unnaceptable. Does BJJHQ have no shame nor self respect? How can you continue to market your items to “normal sized” individuals while your main demographic is mostly chonkers such as myself?! I expected better of you BJJHQ…  
8/25/2021 11:05:17 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Can i get some body positivity here? I had a rough day of training.  
8/24/2021 11:44:18 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Are these good at trapping in odor??? I was rolling with a young girl today she was about to choke me out but stopped and tried to scoot away. After that she refused to continue, so I took the next 4 rounds off to try and understand what happened. I think it might have been smell related since everyone was avoiding me all night. It's not my fault that I had a craving for sat and vinegar chips after the warm up! I am glad however that my sensei didn't catch me snacking this time since I hid in the bathroom. Anyways, an answer and some deodarant(idk I don't use it) would be helpful.  
8/24/2021 11:07:39 PM
Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Anyone know any good deals on foot wraps? Every time I roll I get distracted because I think that the other person is staring at my feet and I'm very self conscious about them. My left big toe was torn to bits by my old dog, Fernando. I tried wearing socks but my sensei got really angry and ripped them off before we even started. Please help :(  
8/23/2021 11:04:14 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Omg I just said I was uncomfortable with them. When my sensei took off my socks he laughed at my misshapen toenails. Idk if I can keep going anymore, it's far too painful...
8/23/2021 11:10:57 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

It's hard being a plus-sized individual in today's society. Thanks Obama
8/23/2021 11:16:22 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Sorry to hear about the black belt incident. Something similar happened to my nephew a few months ago, although that was because he kept biting people I think. And about the shorts, I've figured out how to slip into "normal people size" clothing! You just have to grease up a bit and put the shorts on verrrry slowly. Trust me, it works :D
8/23/2021 11:14:21 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Wow that sounds embarrassing... but I can sympathize since a few weeks ago, I was rolling in my A7 gi (I was almost at a caloric deficit that day so I felt good about myself and decided to go down a size) and when this skinny guy tried posturing up, he pulled my freaking shirt up! My rather large stomach flopped out and I immediately tapped and took the next 4 rounds off. Guess I'll never try that again.
8/23/2021 11:24:02 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Yeah I tried the whole "diet" thing too haha. Let's just say it didn't work out all that well... some say that diet stands for "Did I Eat That" LOL
8/23/2021 11:09:30 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Board Shorts - Black

Oh you train with the kids too? I tried the adult class but everyone else there has got to be on some kind of performance enhancer cause they're all just so much stronger than me even though I eat a lot of protein. Anyway, whenever I'm training I try to move as little as possible so that they don't laugh at me again.
8/23/2021 11:39:09 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Every time I have a wardrobe malfunction, I take a Diet Coke break to try and gather my thoughts. I ended up duck taping the bottom of my rash guard to my stomach which I find works quite well
8/24/2021 11:11:51 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Oh believe me, I know all about the issues that come with sweating. My pediatrician actually told me that I have a thyroid issue that causes me to sweat nonstop (that's why I never bothered with dederant). I don't really notice any smell but other people do ig. My boyfriend always complains during our mukbangs.
8/24/2021 11:33:52 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Yeah, you can find us on Youtube. Channel name is Nikocado Avocado !
8/24/2021 11:50:06 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Glad to see someone else in the late 30s club who's not afraid to roll with the youngsters!
8/24/2021 11:14:05 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Who you calling fat
8/24/2021 11:25:16 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Oh my science, do you realize how freaking fatphobic what you just said was??? People like you are why cancel culture exists.
8/24/2021 11:46:29 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

I thought you were a plus sized individual like myself? Are you fatbaiting?! Unbelievable...
8/24/2021 11:38:09 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (Black, Burgundy)

Wow. Not cool. Your trolling really isnt funny, just problamtic. You arent even really fat sooooo maybe shut the f@$! up!
8/24/2021 11:55:16 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

The yellow cheese has his pickle visble. Very clever… had to think about that one
8/25/2021 11:10:41 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Oh really??? My credit card number is 1203- something i cant remember? But anyway the number on the back is 588 and it expired last december
8/25/2021 11:39:29 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

I can emphathize with you brother, accept i only eat a lot cause food tastes good and i get paid to mukbang. After every class, I go into the bathroom and tell myself that i worked hard that round and that I’d work hard again when i come into class next week. It’s the little things like that that get me through the day. Good luck fatso.
8/25/2021 11:21:50 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Those muscles must be CGI (computrt generated image)
8/25/2021 11:29:58 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

That sounds awful! Ever since i stained my white gi brown (you can guess what happened there LOL), Ive completely stuck to black.
8/25/2021 11:33:50 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

All the kids i roll with call me that too. I got so fed up with them that i yanked out this 8 year old’s hair. My sensei sent me home but it was worth it
8/25/2021 11:44:55 PM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Oh believe me it does. I always curse at them when they submit me as a sort of negative feedback? I think it’ll get them to go easy on me
8/25/2021 11:51:46 PM
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93brand Standard Issue "Royal Gold" Grappling Tights

Wow, you’re lucky that you’re so tall for your weight…
8/27/2021 9:21:39 AM
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